Friday, March 27, 2009

Tea Party

Today I was invited to attend a very special tea party. My niece Miss J is in a great Pre K program and today was Grandparent/special person tea.
I felt very special to be invited.   The students put on a special show to show what they learned this year.  It was amazing to see  little 4 year olds singing their special songs and preforming a story in sign language.  Their teacher thought it would be fun to teach them sign language.  The stories included all the colors and lots of animal sing.  It was precious to see them preforming the full house. 
Their were very proud parents and grandparents and special guests.
The tables were decorated with china tea cups filled with Easter grass and jelly beans.  After the songs and very loud applause  lots of snacks and tea were served. 
It is great to be able to see joy on all their faces.

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