Friday, February 20, 2009

Update on The Forgotten America

Tonight on 20/20 was an update to the show I was talking about in my post Being Thankful. (The forgotten America.)  I was excited to hear that there was an update on the show from last week.
After the show things are changing for some of the people highlighted on the show.  One young mom age 30 who lost most of her teeth is getting new teeth from a dentist for free.
One young boy who takes care of himself and lives in his car and really wants to change his life.
He dropped out of college after 8 weeks because he couldn't afford to stay even with a scholarship.
A college reached out to him and accepted him in, and will also help him with his school work.
The State is also going to benefit from The stimulus package and it will help out the area.
Pepsi the makers of Mountain Dew that is rotting the teeth  and causing other health problems  has donated dental equipment and is trying to get in more dentists to the area.
It was nice hearing that people are helping out and donating to these families.
Maybe things will start to get better for them.  I hope so. 
Today I am thankful that the media can make a difference to people in need.