Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Going to see The Martha Stewart Show

Tomorrow, I'm off to see The Martha Stewart Show.  I got tickets online to be in the audience.
I always call my sister Martha she started reading about Martha when no one even heard of her(well, I never knew who she was).   Her meals look like something out of Martha's magazine.
Not just holiday dinners this is the every night dinner and it started before Martha was a household name.
Every meal is complete with linen tablecloth and napkins and long stem glasses.  Fresh flowers and all.
I won't even tell you about the food or desserts.
 So how can I not try and get tickets the her show for her as a surprise.
When I first recd the response I was so excited.
It was fun reading the email......directions to get there, where to park.  What time to be there. Not later than 12:30 (if after 12:45 no entry) don't forget a picture ID.   
Then the DRESS CODE leave it to Martha to have a dress code to get into her audience.
Of course mini Martha has a great wardrobe that would meet Martha's standards. (she is a manager at a country club) and all the shoes and accessories to match.  
But, my clothes are the stay at home grandma style.  Yes , flat shoes and all.
I'm totally about comfort!