After the excitement of learning that I was going to have more grandchildren, the reality hit!
How am I going to share the love around.
It was pretty easy having one grand but, now 3!
I worried, how will I ever have enough time and energy for 3.
I still wanted to be able to spend time with Nikko.
He was now not living in the same house with me.
He now had 3 houses to divide his time his Mom's his Dad's and ours.
I still got to spend lots of time with him while mom worked and most of the summer.
We went on so many adventures the zoo, the park, the amusement park. Our days were full of so many wonders. New discoveries every time we went out.
Overnights at our Lake house were especially great. Well, great after he realized he would survive without cable TV or video games.
We were always first at the beach, of course I'm sure no one else was up at 7 am in the summer.
Without moring cartoons to entertain him I had to actually come up with creative ways to spend our days.
We made puzzles, did art work, read stories, listened to stories on tape, went to the beach,
and had weekly outings.
Dinosaur Park, the casino arcade, Gillette castle, Mystic seaport, just to name a few.
Our first summer at the lake is when Nikko had to deal with the separation of his parents.
It was a tough time for all of us so the Lake House was a good place to sort it all out.
We were so lucky to have had the lake house when Nikko was younger. My new grandchildren won't have that experience and that saddens me.
Ok, back to breaking the news....... Nikko only child only grandchild was so excited to hear that Nantie( Nantie=Nana and auntie mixed together) was having a baby and even double excited to hear it was going to be two.
He was going to be the BIG cousin, how great is that "Now I can have someone to boss around and play with."
He was old enough now at age 8 to understand it all. Eight years of being the only grandchild 8 years of Nana and Papa all to himself. When I reminded him that I was also going to be NaNa to the new babies he was a little surprised.
How can that be "Your my NaNa I think that they should call you something different"
I had to explain to him that they had to call me NaNa it's just another name for grandmother and that is who I will to all my grandchildren. Or so I thought.................
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